looked at the forecast I knew that the weather was going to get very windy from
tomorrow onwards and that today was going to be the last good day. Readers may
have noticed a distinct lack of me chasing after my target bird list for this
week and I felt that it was time that I made amends. In particular I wanted to
see the King Eider over at Maenporth – a really rare species for Cornwall that I would
really like to have on my county list. So the previous evening I’d floated the
idea of dropping the rest of the family off at Lelant Saltings so they could
catch the train to St. Ives for a spot of shopping whilst I headed over to Falmouth to try and catch
up with the Eider.
didn’t start very well: I woke up at just after 3 a.m. feeling a bit strange
and I couldn’t really get back to sleep again after that despite a generous
glass of whisky for medicinal purposes. I was still feeling rather unwell the
next morning and almost threw up in the kitchen sink ten minutes before an
electrician was due to come around to chat about the work that we needed done. I managed to
pull it together for the interview and they seemed to know what they were
talking about so we’ll probably give them the job as long as the quote comes
back OK.
asked me if I felt well enough to carry on with our plan for today - I knew
that this was going to be my last chance for the week so I steeled myself for
what might be a day of endurance birding and answered in the affirmative. Thus
it was that around 10:30 a.m. I dropped the rest of the family off at Lelant
Saltings and then pointed the Gnome Mobile west towards Falmouth. I didn’t really feel up to eating
at all so I bought a couple of bottles of Lucozade to keep me going and took it
nice and slow. Thanks to the trusty Sat Nav I arrived about an hour later at
the pretty sandy beach at Maenporth and tooled up. Slowly I wandered up the coast path to
the south of the beach and prepared to work my way along the coast. According
to reports, the bird was usually hanging out with a female Eider often at Bream
Cove which was over towards Rosemullion Head though it had been seen just south
of the beach on the last couple of days. I therefore gave the area a good
grilling when I got up to the first vantage point though the only birds that I
could see were Shags. Conditions were great for viewing though: whilst the
forecast was for a bit more wind, it was in a south westerly direction and over
here on the east coast the sea was lovely and flat and the light was good with
a bit of cloud preventing too much glare.
Having had
no luck at the first viewing point I made my way (rather slowly given my lack
of energy) southwards along the coast, stopping to scan at every vantage point.
The scenery was quite pretty though with none of the wild beauty that you get
down in the far south west. Eventually I arrived at Bream Cove where I found a
couple of Slavonian Grebes and then joy of joys I spotted a duck on a rock! A
quick look through the scope and there was the female Eider. However, there was
no sign of it’s rare companion. At this point another birder turned up: MB from
Devon down for the day with a son and large
dog in tow. We got chatting and it turned out that he and three other Devon birders
had been scouring the area for about an hour and a half with no luck at all.
Things were starting to look rather bleak and my heart sank: I’d made all this
effort to get out there when I really should be tucked up in bed and I wasn’t
even going to see the bird after all. It had done a bunk a couple of weeks ago,
disappearing for a while before it came back to the same area again but it was
most unlucky for this to have happened on the one day that I’d been free. That
is birding though. The others were ready to give up: they’d had a rather
disappointing day so far having dipped the American Wigeon at Plymouth and now the King Eider as well. The
other three were going to go on to the Little Bunting at Penzance
and MB was going to go to Swanpool for the Ring-billed Gull. I’d mentally
pencilled in a stop-off at Swanpool myself so I quizzed him about where to go:
half way down the east side by the benches apparently. We all made our way back
along the coast, stopping off for a scan where possible though in my weakened
state I soon lagged behind.
At the last
viewing point I caught up with MB having a final scan with the other three having
already headed off back to the car. As this was the spot where it had been seen
most often over the last couple of days I resolved to give it a final go before
admitting defeat. MB found a pair of adult Med Gulls on the sea and there were
a few Shags about. We started looking over the far side of the bay to the north
of the beach but it was all deserted and it seemed hopeless. A quick final scan
out over the sea itself with my bins and I spotted something bobbing up and
down at some distance – thank heavens the sea was so flat you could see for a
long way. I got my scope on it and low and behold there it was, the King Eider
in all its loveliness. I told MB that I had it and he manged to get on it as
well. He then made a frantic phone call to his friends to come back. Apparently
they were just about to turn the ignition key to head off when the call came
through and they raced back. They were all very grateful to me for having found
the bird and I reflected that there’s nothing quite so gratifying as a last
gasp success – one really feels that one’s earned the tick. I spent a
while trying to video the bird but it was so far away that it was little more
than a “record vid”. Still one could see all the salient features including the
prominent yellow bill and forehead patch that the males of the species have.
With time marching on I headed back towards the car, saying good bye to my
grateful birding companions though MB soon followed behind me. On the way back
I spotted a pair of Stonechats working their way over the grassy field next to
the coastal path.
By far the best photo of the Maenporth King Eider that I've seen, "borrowed" from the CBWPS web-site and originally taken by John St. Ledger (c), presumably at much closer range than I saw it! |
Back at the
car I set the Sat Nav for Swanpool and headed off, noting MB’s car following
behind me – he was still keen on checking out the Ring-billed Gull himself. It
was only a few minutes away and I duly parked up on the east side of the 500m
long pool near some other cars. I could seen MB park up ahead of me by the
benches and by the time I’d got my gear together he was already on the bird! In
fact it was so ridiculously close that you could literally tick it without
getting out of the car if you were parked by the bench. Someone had been
feeding bread to the gulls and it was the closest gull there, swimming up and
down no more than 10 or 15 yards away. What a complete contrast from the King
I sat on
the bench and busied myself with some photos and video using my trusty
superzoom camera. The birds were all very tame here: a couple of coots were
foraging in the reeds not more than two metres from where I was sitting. MB
managed to find an adult Med Gull up near the north end. After a while he
headed off to the top to see if he could find the Long-tailed Duck
whereas I stayed put in order to admire the RBG. I’m always keen to see this
species as it’s one that I’d love to find on my home patch at Port Meadow. The
trouble is, as a relatively inexperienced birder, I only have limited
experience with them so I like to take every opportunity to see them when I
can. I’d seen the annual adult Gosport bird a
couple of times and now here was a chance to see a first winter bird. The
classic confusion species is supposed to be Common Gull though there was no way
that this bird could be confused with one: it was a big hulking brute by
comparison to a dainty Common with much thicker bill more curved on the upper bill than the lower
(Common Gull of course have the thin more symmetrically curved bill) and pale
grey mantle and coverts complete with brown flecks on the scaps. To my mind the main
confusion species was going to be with a 2w Herring Gull though it was of
course noticeably smaller and it’s plain tertials and less chequered coverts
told it was for what it was.
The confiding 1w Ring-billed Gull |
Having had
my fill of the bird, I sent a text to the St.
Ives party saying that I was going to head back to rendezvous with them. They
replied that they were more or less done anyway and would meet me back at the
Leisure Centre car park in about three quarters of an hour. I got back into the
Gnome Mobile and decided to follow the Sat Nav which wanted to take me cross
country back to the A30. This turned out to be a bad idea as there were road
works in Falmouth
itself and then I got stuck behind two oil tankers so I ended up arriving about
fifteen minutes late.
The others had had a good time: L had bought
some trinkets, they’d had pasties for lunch though B was feeling distinctly
under the weather. She’d come down with my VLW’s cold and probably should have
stayed in bed. What a bunch of invalids we were – only L was his usual self!
Anyway, we headed back to PZ where we nipped into Sainsbury’s for some shopping
before heading back to the cottage. There I had a bowl of soup (my first meal
of the day) and I retired to my bed to recuperate. Whilst resting I reflected
on my successful day out birding: I’d managed to get two Cornish ticks (I’d
needed the RGB as well for the county), one of which had been very hard won and one had been
ridiculously easy. Birding - it's a funny old game!