Yet another gorgeous day with sun and little wind to speak of. It turned out to be a rather strange morning: we were due to meet a prospective new cleaner for the cottage but in the end a whole hoard of different tradesmen descended on us. Our husband and wife builder team turned up to work on our wall, our plumber also turned up to do some work on the boiler (though he left as we decided that it would be too disruptive with the family there), the new cleaner turned up and in the middle of all this a client of mine decided to ring me to pick my brains. It was so noisy in the house that I had to seek the sanctuary of the garden to talk to him. It was all rather chaotic and in the end, what with an increasing amount of client work piling up, I never got a chance to head out on the Pendeen rounds at all. Of course, when I was outside I kept an ear out on the bird front but it was so quiet that I hardly heard a thing. Indeed the whole of the Penwith peninsular seemed particularly quiet with no news on RBA of anything in the area at all.
Pendeen Raven on it's usual post |
After lunch and a bit more work we decided to head out to Mousehole for tea at the Rock Pool Café. There, by chance, we met a couple of relatives of my VLW who, it turned out, were down here on holiday. We passed a happy hour catching up with their news and just enjoying sitting in the sunshine eating our cakes and sipping our tea. Then whilst the others went to look around the shops, our son L and I headed down to the shore to look in the rock pools and just stare at the sea.
A loafing Mousehole Great Black-backed Gull |
There was almost nothing on the bird front to be seen though I did spot a Shelduck flying low over the water towards PZ - rather an incongruous sight which took me a moment to identify. Then it was back to the cottage for dinner and to start the packing process as we were leaving the next day.
Moth du jour: an Early Thorn that came to the porch light after dark |
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