Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Sunday 8th April: Pendeen & Trengwainton Gardens

Another gorgeous day today with hardly any wind and some lovely sunshine. However, despite (or perhaps because of) the conditions, on my morning Pendeen rounds there was precious little on the bird front. A few Chiffies and the usual Raven was about it. I did bump into PC, who's moved to the area and is now regularly doing Pendeen. He'd not seen much but pointed out a light but steady passage of Manxies heading west just past the reef but he too had seen precious little. Back at the cottage, news came in once again of an Alpine Swift at the Lizard but once again it would be too disruptive to the rest of the family for me to head off there so instead we all got on with our respective tasks for the morning.

After lunch we headed into PZ for a quick DIY shop before heading back to Trengwainton Gardens as the children wanted to do the Easter egg hunt as they had done the previous year. In the sunny weather it was all pleasant enough and on the bird front I saw (or at least heard) a couple of Nuthatches, several singing Chiffies and a couple of Blackcaps. The café was sadly somewhat  disappointing compared to last time but you can't have everything. 

Back at the cottage, I spent some time just sitting in the garden enjoying the weather. A very confiding Willow Warbler appeared and came very close to me as I sat as still as possible. I surreptitiously managed to take a few snaps with the superzoom which came out OK in the good light and close distance. 

The confiding Willow Warbler
A text came in from DP of a 2nd winter Audouin's Gull seen (presumably by ME) on the Mermaid pelagic off Mousehole. I did toy with the idea of heading over there after dinner for the gull roost but in the end inertia won out and I didn't go. Fortunately, it wasn't seen in the roost or I'd have really been kicking myself. So instead we all settled down for the evening to watch a movie.

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